Thursday, May 28, 2020

who we used to be and becoming who we should be

we've come from a place
where we had to fight
and angels
we had to fight the light and the dark

the person we want to be inside the person we are supposed to be
the person other people say we should be
and the person we don't know

the shift
is indescribable

one day
you see something you hadn't noticed before
and you get tired of what is
and think.. something else is possible
something else could be
there.. IS something else?
could I be part of THAT something else?
is it ME?

who am I?

the people around me don't seem real anymore
it feels like i'm floating in the middle of it all
not knowing where the ground is

I need to find the bottom
so i can reach for the top

but i find a reaching hand that is stronger than all of this
I grasp it
and follow it's strength
and find my footing on a path of steps that vanish in the distance
and i'll gladly keep going
because it's safe
I know it's safe, because it's touched my heart, and it gives my soul peace
even in the middle of the storm

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