Thursday, June 16, 2022

Greener on the other side?

Who says life needs to be greener?
Does that just mean... better taken care of?
Because grass can be greener... but full of weeds.
You wouldn't want that, now would you?

Take care of your own "lawn",
help it thrive, 
and don't worry about your neighbor unless it's when you're capable of lending a hand.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

that sounds chaotic…

It is. :-) But it’s my beautiful chaotic blessed life.

Being in control isn't always a good thing. 
It doesn't leave room for the hills and valleys.
It doesn't leave space for facing fears or spontaneous ice cream trips.

Having a schedule, knowing what's coming up for the week, yeah! Of course! Plan your days!
But leave a little room for chaos.. because there is beauty in it. 

I know, because it's my beautiful chaotic blessed life.
And it's just right.

"Do as I say, not as I do"

 I've noticed, that we use this as a cop-out more than anything. 

If one of our kids points out that we're doing something that we tell them not to, we just use this saying as a "meh, I'm old and set in my ways. If you do what I say and not copy my actions, you'll be fine. I'm too old to change." 

You are not too old to change. 
Do you hold yourself accountable to your own words? 
Maybe we should.