Sunday, December 20, 2020

Why does God want us?

This excerpt from "The Ministry of ordinary places" (book I'm reading right now) by Shannan Martin
very much needed to be shared.
The question begs.. why does God use us? 
Why doesn't He just do it himself? Things would be so much smoother if God plowed through his plan without us in the way. But then there would be no reason for making us.. 
My takeaway (one view) is that He created us out of love, and if he didn't really want a relationship with his creation, then he would have no need to create. But he's a loving God and we are made in his image to show who he is in all aspects to the whole world. Because he is so complex and wonderful.

About Rahab in the Bible

"I personally think it's enough to call her a human, doing her best in spite of her hardships and occasionally leaving a trail of wreckage. Isn't that all of us?
God stationed Rahab in Jericho for a reason, with specific work to do. The same is true for me and you. 
The day will never arrive that I am not astonished by God's eagerness to carry out his plans through the likes of us. His methodology for getting things done is a head-scratcher for the ages.
With us by his side, everything is guaranteed to take one thousand times longer along a path potholed with our mess-ups and general antics. It would be so much more efficient to just do it all himself while we were napping or something. 
He doesn't tire of us. He doesn't write us out of the script or make rash decisions about our fate. 
He hitches his glory to our ruin and keeps on trucking, 
delighted by every tiny step we make in the right direction."

We really truly are like children to Him. He loves on every aspect of us, and takes joy in watching us grow and stumble and learn and find, and he rejoices with us in our own joyous moments.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

40 days in the Bible - what gives?

the ark- Noah

Jesus being out alone in the desert

what's with the 40 days?,of%20Judea’s%20sins%0AThe%20prophet%20Ezekiel%20was...%20More

"“Forty days” means “forty days,” but it does seem that God has chosen this number to help emphasize times of trouble and hardship. " 


" Answer: The number 40 shows up often in the Bible. Because 40 appears so often in contexts dealing with judgment or testing, many scholars understand it to be the number of “probation” or “trial.”. This doesn’t mean that 40 is entirely symbolic; it still has a literal meaning in Scripture. “Forty days” means “forty days,” but it does seem that God has chosen this number to help emphasize times of trouble and hardship." -

This is actually a specific number of days. 

"After all, it pops up in the Good Book 159 times , across both the Old and New Testaments."   -

This reminds me of a month of probation or a month of test and see what happens. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Parenting during a pandemic.. food

 Okay.. so I’m going to say.. I don’t care. Lol. 

As a mom.. trying to just make it through this virtual school thing, I’m not worrying too much about making meals. 


Because keeping up with all their classes, virtual meetings, making sure they do them AND stay on schedule. 

And then still trying to clean the house. Making sure I know when the laundry needs to be done, and the vacuuming, and the bathroom cleaning, and picking up things that I’ve put down everywhere in an attempt to get to them sooner or later. 

And then still keeping up with the regular self care and receipts and appointments (whether in person or virtual) and helping my husband with whatever he needs from me. 

SO GRATEFUL that the school is doing weekly pickup for school food, because that’s a huge blessing. 

So no.. making a weekly sit down meal is not on my agenda. 

This mama is whooped. As long as they are fed and not full of sugar.. My job is done. :) 

So I care, as a mom, because if I didn’t, it wouldn’t matter to me what was on the grocery list. But I do. I make sure there are food options in the house that won’t make them overweight and addicted. 

So as long as my house is stocked with enough to eat, my opinion, they can have their choice of food.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

the cult of self-affirmation

autonomy and authenticity - Allie B Stuckey

gender ideology

you are yourself to the point of denying your physical appearance and letting feelings guide your life

be who you are

but self-empowerment takes power away from our Creator

we are not supposed to trust ourselves, we are sinful and fallible 

we are to rely on God who is perfect and all powerful and consistent eternally

the God of this cult is "self"

we are making ourselves God's, idolizing humanity as all powerful

we try to take control of every aspect of life

Thursday, December 3, 2020

where does tax money go

 Michigan taxes, I found, go mostly to school systems k-12 and government funding. But with our roads getting damaged a lot, I wonder why we don’t have more tax dollars going towards that?

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Porn - parent seminar

Porn is not a sex problem, it's an intimacy problem.

Pornography refers to material dealing with sex designed to arouse its readers or viewers. Webster's Dictionary defines “pornography” as “writings, pictures, etc. intended primarily to arouse sexual desire.” There are two types of pornography that receive no First Amendment protection — obscenity and child pornography.

friend in school on the bus talking about a movie on TV called "she woke up pregnant". - conversation on a school bus going to school.. again, a private Christian school. My friend looked like she was excited that she saw something dirty, like it was a popular thing to do. I actually remember her saying “the doctor in the movie snuck into the room where the girl was sedated, unbuttoned her blouse and did it.” With this sparkle and giggle in her voice.. my goodness, the things we were subjected to, that i remember so clearly.

movie I saw on TV at a friends house, this guy with the long curly hair was like her 4th cousin and they were lovers. - i figured if it was okay for her to see this movie, it was not a bad movie. Looking back now, it was soft porn. Realizing now in adulthood that a sheltered little church girl was exposed to soft porn at a friends house before even leaving home to be on her own.. anybody anywhere can be exposed to these things and not know it! 

me sexting in college - i didn’t have a clue what i was doing. But i started talking to this guy in a chat room who seemed nice and before you know it, I’m telling him dirty things like I’m writing a book or something, totally not even putting together in my head what was going on. I didn’t know then what i know about myself, so my naïveté got the best of me. 

snap chat used to be called peek a boo, owned by the porn industry - why do we know these things and why don’t we do something about it? Like NOT USE THE APP?
helping older teens and men give up porn!
software that helps you screen out porn on your devices.

This link is to a parent seminar that my husband and I listened to.

Where and when were you first exposed to these things? And did you even know at that time what it was? 

motivation.. where does it go?

Where do you get your motivation from? 
How long does it stick around? 
What does it motivate you to do? 

But then where does it go?
Why do we lose our drive? 
Why do we give up on something we worked so hard to achieve? To get? 

Do we ask for wrong kind of motivation? 
Is it a single goal driven energy?
And then when we reach that one goal, we stop? 
Or do we give up before even getting halfway through what we needed it for? 

Daily motivated 
Hourly motivated
Motivated to get the girl
Motivated to chase the dream

What do you need motivation for right now? 

politically correct

[Description of featured image above: Reason #1 for why we need to stop saying “politically correct”: it’s designed to be a slur, not a positive phrase. “PC” mythology speech bubble says: “Being politically correct means avoiding offensive language.” Radical truth-teller speech bubble says: “The term politically correct is a weapon used by people protecting their right to be biased.”]

noun: liberation; plural noun: liberations
  1. the act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression; release.
    "the liberation of all political prisoners"

    • freedom from limits on thought or behavior.
      "the struggle for women's liberation"

      If people wouldn’t get offended so easily, and stop misusing human rights, we wouldn’t have stupid phrases like “political correctness”.  - ME

How religious are you?

I don’t understand what “religion” is all about, except that it’s a man made structure to lead humanity to believe in certain ways. 

The definition of religion is :

    the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    religious group
    faith community
    • a particular system of faith and worship.
      plural noun: religions
      "the world's great religions"
    • a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
      "consumerism is the new religion"

 A superhuman controlling power? 
So like Superman? Being religious would be following someone like him and believing in him as your savior.. kind of like in the movies. So they sort of create religions around superhero’s ... hmm. 
Thought bubble. 

So creating importance around something that you “worship” that is so vital to your life that it becomes what you basically (consume isn’t the right word).. (soak up).. (engulf).. I can’t think of the word.. do you get what I mean? Pretty much immersing yourself in it, whatever it may be (person, place or thing).. and following it like your life depends on it. 

So a religion is something that you do .. religiously. 
Meaning, something that your whole life revolves around, something you believe in so much that it’s your core. 

I don’t have that. 
I’ve never had that. 
That would be creating an idol out of something that is created by a creator. 
Making a visual image that you can worship and revolve around that has nothing to do with the Trinity of God. The cross that Jesus hung on could be an idol, then, because some people worship the cross, instead of realizing that the cross is a reminder of what the person of Jesus actually did. 

He isn’t the cross.. the cross is a reminder of the sacrifice of God the father creating a physical Son so that the Spirit could live in our souls and guide us to heaven. (The trinity working together, as it should, in community.)

How religious am I?
I’m not. 
I’m in a relationship with the One Being who could ever give me life and grace.