Sunday, December 20, 2020

Why does God want us?

This excerpt from "The Ministry of ordinary places" (book I'm reading right now) by Shannan Martin
very much needed to be shared.
The question begs.. why does God use us? 
Why doesn't He just do it himself? Things would be so much smoother if God plowed through his plan without us in the way. But then there would be no reason for making us.. 
My takeaway (one view) is that He created us out of love, and if he didn't really want a relationship with his creation, then he would have no need to create. But he's a loving God and we are made in his image to show who he is in all aspects to the whole world. Because he is so complex and wonderful.

About Rahab in the Bible

"I personally think it's enough to call her a human, doing her best in spite of her hardships and occasionally leaving a trail of wreckage. Isn't that all of us?
God stationed Rahab in Jericho for a reason, with specific work to do. The same is true for me and you. 
The day will never arrive that I am not astonished by God's eagerness to carry out his plans through the likes of us. His methodology for getting things done is a head-scratcher for the ages.
With us by his side, everything is guaranteed to take one thousand times longer along a path potholed with our mess-ups and general antics. It would be so much more efficient to just do it all himself while we were napping or something. 
He doesn't tire of us. He doesn't write us out of the script or make rash decisions about our fate. 
He hitches his glory to our ruin and keeps on trucking, 
delighted by every tiny step we make in the right direction."

We really truly are like children to Him. He loves on every aspect of us, and takes joy in watching us grow and stumble and learn and find, and he rejoices with us in our own joyous moments.


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