Thursday, August 24, 2017

my EDS day

Today is an interesting day.
Woke up with a migraine.
Luckily I didn't have to work today so I stayed in bed as long as I could, and then got up.. *hacking* Sorry about that, my throat's kind of dry.
Made my way down to the kitchen and made my coffee.. took some tylenol migraine. finally the last two pills in the bottle. it doesn't work for me as well as it used to, so i was kind of hoping to get rid of it quickly. i'll be taking excedrin soon.

my left knee is very unstable today, keeps giving out on me, so i'm going to wear my unloader knee brace, which is awesome.
not sure i'll be wearing it when i go out later because i'm going to go swimming with my girls and i don't know if it'd be easier to wear the unloader and just take it off when i go to the pool, or if i should just bring my cane because i have two other stops to make. Decisions ;)
funny the things we take for granted.. which contraption will help me walk best today?

#35yearoldbody #25yearoldskin looks/feels awesome ;) #ifeel60inside.

oh yeah, the cause of the migraine.. my TMJ joint (which actually sounds repetitive).. my TMJ is very tight and i have pain and pressure around the top of my neck/base of my skull..
enter the frozen bag of peas.

also will be wrapping my hands in compression gloves.
yesterday i wore my thumb/wrist wraps with my rings because i've been hyperextending a lot lately and using my hands a lot and it's caught up with me.
my hands feel better than that today.. still musculoskeletal pain through my hands.
I had a bit of inflammation last night, i was icing quite a few of my joints.. today, inflammation not so much, but musculoskeletal pain YYEEAASS.

*whew. out of breath

Oh yeah, i forgot, last night about.. i'm gonna guess 2 or so AM, i woke up with more stabbing rectum pain that i've had before. i haven't had that in about 2.5 months so i'm not quite sure how that happens cause it really not regular. it just pops up out of nowhere. ;)

ahh the Zebra life. *peace.