Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Autism homework I did when I was learning.. #2


easily identify errors
technically able
question protocol
attentive to detail
social justice and integrity
problem solving
thrive in routine and clear expectations

Finding and fitting and keeping an appropriate job is not easy.

teamwork skills
conventional methods
sensory perception
time keeping and work routines
managing and communicating stress and anxiety
realistic career expectations
tendency to be over qualified
misinterpret instructions
coping with change
accepting advice (may sound like criticism)
personal grooming and hygiene
fitting in with a group
asking for help
organizing and planning
interpersonal skills
conflict resolution- tendency to blame others

- long term relationships
*many of those who do marry show tensions and problems in their marriages.

- many women describe their first impression of their partner, who at this stage may not have had a diagnosis, as someone who is kind, attentive and slightly immure the desirable "handsome and silent stranger". conversations might be care of animals, similar religious beliefs or studying the same courses. (assuming, in this case, that the woman is neurotypical and the male is neurodiverse.)
- men are generally honest and speak their mind, have a sense of social justice and strong moral convictions. "old world" values, less motivation for physical intimacy. "feminine" instead of "macho".

-creates a "job description" mentally for a perspective mate.

- don't have a lot of relational "baggage".

- low self-esteem and feeling bad for people and not being able to identify predators, lead to unwise choices of partners.

- it's very hard to feel like your love bucket is being filled, also intimacy and personal affection can feel awkward, sometimes unwanted.
"we fell and show affection but not enough and at the wrong intensity". the person with Autism can be overly detached or attached.

- personal distress; we can't just "get over it", and it's not nice to be left alone in our emotional upheaval.

- a hug is perceived as an uncomfortable squeeze and does not automatically make them feel better. it's like hugging a piece of wood. the person does not relax and enjoy such close proximity to touch.

- being alone is often the main emotional recovery mechanism for people with Autism.

- the partner of someone with Autism is more likely to be concerned about the lack of sexual desire. the partner with autism is more likely to become asexual once he or she has had children or formally committed themselves to a relationship.
literal approach to intimacy - "why would you want to have sex when we have enough children?"

- "intimacy means for me being invaded or overwhelmed. I experienced none of the proverbial sexual chemistry with anyone."
there can also be sensory experiences during moments of sexual intimacy that are perceived as unpleasant by the person with autism, affecting the enjoyment of both partners.

- self-analysis does not come easy to the Aspie. some of us never get to the point where we can look inward and explain outward.

- the worst thing about disappointing yourself is that you never forgive yourself fully.

- "i no longer wish to be normal. i embrace my aspieness, i want to share my joy at being me."

- aspergers syndrome is associated with a dysfunction of the "social brain", which comprises components of the frontal and temporal regions of the cortex.
there is also evidence of the dysfunction of the amygdala, the basal ganglia and cerebellum.
there is weak connectivity between these components. there is also evidence to suggest right hemisphere cortical dysfunction and an abnormality of the dopamine system.
we now know which structures in the brain are functioning or "wired" differently.

as a child-
honest, determine, expert, kind, forthright, loner(and happy to be), perfectionist, reliable friend, good at drawing, observant of details invisible to others, exceptional at remembering things other have forgotten, uniquely humorous, advanced math knowledge, liked by adults.

- the overwhelming majority of people with Aspergers are law-abiding citizens, often with very clear and conventional opinions as to what is morally and legally right and wrong.

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