Friday, April 3, 2020

What does God expect of me?

What God expects me.. is obedience to Him.

What does that mean? What does that look like?

Obedience to God means being who He made me to be.
For me, I need to be in the Word, connecting with Him every day on some level, and speaking things out loud to other people via text, in some way shape or form.. be that Facebook, a message to a specific person, a prayer for someone He puts on my heart.

Obedience to God in my life also means parenting with grace and teaching my girls to be mindful of each other and listen to what the Spirit says to them. Growing in patience and honesty and truth.

This also means to be respectful of my husband and to be responsible in my adult life.

Obedience to God in my body means to take care of it best I can, whether that means changing how I eat, encouraging myself to be gentle and learn and keep limits, being gracious with myself as well with what I can and cannot do.

What does God expect of you? And what does that mean in your life?
We all have a different life.
Know your calling.

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