Tuesday, April 21, 2020

After God's own heart

I recently watched a YouTube video from a Christian host who met with a Christian gay woman and then proceeded to call her a woman after gods own heart.

What do people think that statement means?
"After God's own heart"

To me, that doesn't sound right, it doesn't sit right, it doesn't feel right.
As an autistic who grew up in an evangelical church and a private Christian school, there are certain guidelines and specifics in my minds, and when I hear something that doesn't make sense in those constructs, it makes me react like.. it doesn't sound correct.
And because I mentally work best with things that are "correct"..
I have to figure this out.


To me, this story is what being "After God's own heart" is about.
Even though you fall and you sin and you fail, you acknowledge what you're doing is wrong and repent from it.

I think being gay is a choice, and it's also a sinful choice because God created each person a certain gender on purpose.
If you decide to live your life that way and you're a believer in God, then you're not being "after God's own heart" because you're deciding to live in that sin, not turning away from it.

Now I also know that we all have sins that we decide to sit in. Like David, we all fall, we all get comfortable and we all allow things in our lives (especially more now than Bible times).

This is definitely something for us to consider when we say things.

I'm not saying she was wrong for this comment.
It just made me think and decide to research the saying.

Found some more links below that can help us comprehend this saying.



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