Friday, April 3, 2020

my disability does not change my worth

Nick Vujicic FB live

Disability means an inability to function like a regular human body or mind, not capable of doing what other regular bodies or brains can.

Disability does not change my worth, though.

My worth is not found in how well my body and my brain operate.
My worth is found in how much God loves me, and what He thinks of me.

God made me perfectly the way I am.
And I am not unworthy of anything.
I am worthy of life and love and happiness.
I am worthy of feeling beautiful and I am worthy of His grace, because I know who He is.
He is my Father.
He is in charge of my life.

The world is nothing but a place I temporarily reside.
My soul is much more important than this disabled body and brain.

Therefore, disability does not define me.
It does not define who I am.
It does not define my worth.

My worth is defined by my creator, and He doesn't make anything that's no worthwhile.

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