Sunday, April 26, 2020

church notes 4/26/2020 1 Mosaic Collaboration

This is part 5 of a Collaboration

Here's the youtube link to this sermon. (all 5 are on here!)

Psalm 23
vs 1- 1 sentence. but Wow.
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. (Hebrews 13- Jesus is the Great Shepherd)
"I have all I need/I lack nothing"

vs 2- I am at peace
I have what I need
The Shepherd knows, the shepherd has done all the work - the sheep just need to trust.

vs 3- Denying myself to follow him.
(This reminds me of the book Pilgrims Progress)

vs 4 and vs 5- You prepare a table before me in the Presence of my Enemies.
You anoint my head with oil.
He honors us
He renews us
My cup overflows- Abundance from God

vs 6- The goodness and love of God is the only constant.

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