Sunday, April 19, 2020

the power of perfection

referring to some parts of The Worn out Woman
"If I could get everything right, life would be good. People would love me, and then I could finally love myself."
At a deeper level, perfectionism reveals a lack of faith. 

PSA: Being perfect is impossible. For one, we each have a picture in our heads of what perfection looks like, so "being perfect" is completely subjective. 
Your perfect isn't going to match with anybody else's view of perfect. 
So trying to gain perfection is really trying to be what other people want you to be, which might not even BE perfection. 
It's just something that has a hugely high standard that you're never going to be able to grasp. Even if you do finally get to sit on the pedestal, someone else will have a different pedestal, and you'll try to reach where they are. 

"No one you know is perfect, and nothing you do will be perfect. That's just reality. The harder you try to reach the unattainable, the more frustrated, exhausted, and defeated you will feel." 

Dr David Burns (Book Perfection): "If people can't accept your imperfections, that's their fault."

Do what is doable and give yourself credit for each days accomplishments. YOUR accomplishments, not somebody else's expectations of you. 

"You don't have to be perfect to be wonderful"
You are already wonderful. 

And perfection is a myth.

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