Tuesday, April 7, 2020

my husband is amazing

he makes me coffee, and knows just how I like it

he respects the time I need alone and actually helps me get alone time

we tag team as parents because we are an equal unit

he works hard outside in the yard, maintaining our vehicles, and still has a full time job and business

he's a great dad, showing his love to our children

he's honest and emotional, which i could not live without

he likes doing dishes and laundry (he does the washing, i do the putting away)

he admits his struggles and looks for answers

he knows his strengths and his faults and is ok speaking about both

he is respectful of other people

always wants to be helpful, and is open to learning in all aspects of life

he is supportive and tries his best to be open minded

he likes to cook, rides his bike, and tries to take care of his health the best he can

he is my adventure and my rock
and i'm grateful

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