Friday, April 10, 2020

dismissive? no.. distant

I have been accused in the past of being dismissive.. but studying this topic, I've found that because of that relationship being what it was..
trying to have a deep honest relationship with someone who believes and lives so different from me, I became distant in certain ways.

I've learned that when I was told I was being dismissive, the truth is I was distancing myself in certain ways because I couldn't connect and therefore it looked like I was dismissing things that were important to them.

separate belief systems- we were/are unequally yoked. Having intimacy in this kind of relationship is very toxic, and this is why in the end we found that we had to separate for now, and maybe later on, we can figure out a way to communicate.

separate ways of life- not seeing eye to eye on different topics and ways to live can definitely strain a relationship.

Distant describes something that's far away, like another planet, a ship far out at sea, or the cousin who never calls or shows up for family events. Time, like miles, can make something distant.

People with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style tend to suppress and hide their feelings, and they tend to deal with rejection by distancing themselves from the sources of rejection (e.g. their attachments or relationships).

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