Tuesday, March 31, 2020

how do we know what love is?

quoting an old song "I wanna know what love is! I want you to show me!"
well.. here we go

(types of love)

Agape Love - this kind of love is unconditional.
Storge Love - this is the kind of love of people who live in the same home.
Phileo Love - this is the kind of love that is created between friends, or perhaps a soul mate.
Eros Love - this kind of love is the physical, intimate kind.
"Pronunciation: [Uh - GAH - Pay]
Perhaps the best way to understand agape love is to think of it as the type of love that comes from God. Agape is divine love, which makes it perfect, pure, and self-sacrificing. When the Bible says that "God is love" (1 John 4:8), it's referring to agape love.
Pronunciation: [STORE - jay]
The love described by the Greek word storge is best understood as family love. It's the kind of easy bond that naturally forms between parents and their children -- and sometimes between siblings in the same household. This kind of love is steady and sure. It's love that arrives easily and endures for a lifetime.
Pronunciation: [Fill - EH - oh]
Phileo describes an emotional connection that goes beyond acquaintances or casual friendships. When we experience phileo, we experience a deeper level of connection. This connection is not as deep as the love within a family, perhaps, nor does it carry the intensity of romantic passion or erotic love. Yet phileo is a powerful bond that forms ​a community and offers multiple benefits to those who share it.
Pronunciation: [AIR - ohs]

Eros is the Greek term that describes romantic or sexual love. The term also portrays the idea of passion and intensity of feeling. The word was originally connected with the goddess Eros of Greek Mythology."

Now speaking of loving each other.. 
We are to have Agape love for all people. While some of them will not accept this, will not understand it or even push against it, is it up to us to show this Agape love to everyone. 

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