Monday, March 23, 2020

anxiety in driving- December 2019

this is why I don't drive long distances. and for me long distance means more than 20 minutes if I don't know where I'm going, or more than 30 minutes one way if I know where I'm going. I always have to leave space in time for myself to be able to stop and gather myself if i'm triggered along the way. 

here's an episode of one of the shorter trips.

anxiety 20 mins
into driving

rapid heart rate
deep breathing
pulled over- oils

tried music
turned it off
line of cars behind me
no sunglasses

forgetting something for moms house? 
fruit basket
necklace- XMAS
(mentally checking things off)
(i had all of these things in the car)

i'm getting better and smarter about when I have to drive outside of my town. 

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