Monday, March 23, 2020

black friday shopping anxiety

I have gone shopping with my mother in law and sister in law a couple years in a row now on Black Friday, and i'm prepared for the loudness, lots of people, etc. But they said something about me taking a turn driving, and my anxiety shackled up inside.

It took me a long time to say something to them because my anxiety made me feel like they were going to laugh at me or be angry with me or expect me to explain it, or just not understand and think i'm ridiculous. 

I got up the nerve finally and told them, via text, that I wasn't able to drive on Black Fridays because of my anxiety, I can't drive that far or in those types of environments, etc. And they were totally cool with it! It basically just comes down to one of them driving and the others of us chipping in for gas. 

Dodged a bullet.. 
a bullet that I created in my own mind after I even fashioned the gun. I don't even remember creating the gun. 

Anxiety disorders are such a burden, robbing joy from life.

something little made my day as well
Mom said to Danielle when we got in her vehicle to leave in the morning, "why didn't you have your car warmed up? Cami's car was warm when I got in." joking obviously, but little thing that I feel I did right.

I also learned that my sister in law like Andes Mints and that at some point, she hit a bird. lol oops

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