Tuesday, March 10, 2020

compliments.. and autism

so, realized something else again today. 

a friend of mine facebook stalked me and started telling me how beautiful and perfect and gorgeous i am.. which i totally appreciate. 
but i didn't know how to respond. 

i've never taken compliments very easily. 
i don't know what to do with them. 

and i think it's because i don't feel a connection to my physical body like i think normal people do. 

me isn't me.. do you know what i mean? 

i don't put much worth on how i look. 
i mean sure, there are days, where i like to look nice, put on something that's really unique to who i am.. 
but i don't generally connect with my physical being that much. 

so thank you very much, sweet friend, for doting on my outer beauty :) it's very much appreciated :) 

it's probably also because one of my main love languages is "words of affirmation". i would much rather hear something positive or uplifting about the person I am inside.

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