Monday, November 25, 2019

where I find my value

i shouldn't be looking for my identity and affirmation in someone else
i don't need him to tell me i did a good job
he thanked me for helping him get his shower stuff
for getting him a drink
for driving out to get him and my daughter ice cream (they both rocked it today!)

my value and my encouragement and my sense of achievement does not come from them
SHOULD not come from them
my value is in my heavenly Father
and I am enough

what I do is just as important as what they did cleaning up the yard.
i tailored a night gown to fit
i made dinner
i fed the cats
i worked a bit on the the leaves and sticks/logs that were fallen from the tree that was cut down
i went on a hunt in the collection of clothes I have for the girls in order to properly dress them for the cold

I am enough
I do not need them to pat my back in order to feel that way

this actually hits on the message this morning at church!
that every part of the body matters.
the foot isn't more important than the tongue, the fingernail isn't more important than the piece of hair.
all of them are equally important.

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up on whole body. So it is with the body of Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12

The family is made up of many parts, and each does its part, and together they make a whole.

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