Why do I wear makeup when I go on a job?
1. it makes me feel more confident
2. it makes me feel more comfortable and put together
3. it makes me feel more put together
4. it moisturizes my skin
5. i feel like *boom* i did good :) i've gotten compliments from the makeup artists when i've mentioned that i did my eyebrows in the car on the way here and they can't even tell that i did them. :D
I like having just the basics in my bag.
I used to try all kinds of different eye colors and liners and lip things. But I pretty much always come back to these and stick with them.
I have adopted the BB cream, love. I always have cover girl pressed powder. And I feel like whenever I get the perfect cover up, the company changes or the store I buy it from changes brands. UGH! There's something about buying it in person and knowing it's exactly right versus buying it online also.
I can't wear eyeliner anymore because my eyes start itching, I guess I have developed an allergy or something. I've always used the same thing, and now I can't wear it. Poo. :( Shout out to Mary Kay soft twist up liner. I wore the purple and the brown for years. (mostly the purple, and I had a green.)
I also have gone back to the basics with my mascara. :) Great Lash is awesome, and I've found that I do still have lovely long lashes, they are just super thinned from aging.
I don't wear blush very often, but the brand that I do use it Lemongrass Spa. It's loose powder. It's very light and fresh.
Light bulb moment recently (duh moment, really)... the better I take care of my skin, the better it looks. I've been breaking out like crazy lately because of stress and lack of good sleep. I'm finally getting back on track with skin care (Lemongrass Spa tea tree bar and a DIY coconut oil moisturizer with tea tree and grapefruit oil), my skin is happier and my breakouts are clearing up.
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