why people always feel like they have to say the last word..
um.. closure?
or.. they think their words are most important?
or.. they just want to be heard?
or.. they think they're right, or can't be wrong?
It's not even about being right and wrong.
It's not even about having an argument.
Even in regular conversation..
and for some reason, just now when i googled images about "having the last word", i saw a lot of meme's with women always having to have the last word.
i'm not sure why this is, i'm not that way. i know a couple men who are that way.
the best thing in conversation, i've found, is just letting another person finish and leave it be.
I have noticed that sometimes, when I don't respond at the end of something, the other person looks at me weird. It's as if they're expecting a last response, and I'm just like .. um, okay? I thought that was the end of the thought of conversation. I have no response.
Sometimes, it's really just about being mature enough to listen to someone else and keep your own mouth shut, and just let them be heard.

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