the way someone sees something.
their point of view.
their.. opinion? is their perspective?
the way we perceive something.
that means perspective is not based on truth or fact.. it's based on what we believe. what we, as fallible human beings, think.
are you willing to look at and listen to and learn about other perspectives? or are you stuck in and adamant that your way is the only way?

if you change the way you see or think about something, that doesn't make you a hypocrite.. that makes you someone who is able to learn and change.

what is the core of what you believe? how did your perspective come about? why do you have the view you do?

are you narrow minded? or are you willing to open your mind and see the world from someone else's eyes?

seeing something from your side doesn't make them wrong, anymore than it makes you right. it just means you're perspective is not the only one, and you have some learning to do.
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