Monday, February 24, 2020

learning happiness from dissatisfaction

I got this topic from a chapter in the book "Resisting Happiness" by Matthew Kelly. 

"It's time to start listening to what God is saying to us through our dissatisfaction. Don't pretend to be happy and satisfied when you are not."

This actually sort of goes along with the post I got today from my subscription to The Mighty.

What are we dissatisfied with? 

Unfortunately, I have something called alexithymia, and I don't know what i'm feeling most of the time. So I'm not sure what I'm dissatisfied with, most of the time I see things as the glass half full. 

But I can see where this idea is going. 
Figuring out what we are unhappy with and finding ways to either make it different, make a change, or flip it and say what I AM satisfied with. 

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