Amy Schumer did this photo for a body positivity campaign.
I'm glad!
I love the message she's bringing!
Do you think she's really that confident in her body?
Maybe she was at that moment.
Is this even the real her?
Or did this get touched up as well?
What if I did a photo like this?
Would that cause too many waves?
What if I wanted to pose 99% naked to say "there's nothing wrong with your body, you're perfect the way you are?"
I have a feeling it wouldn't be as acceptable for me to do that.
I'm not famous.
I'm not in the spotlight.
It would make people too uncomfortable, because really, we love the message, but we've got this preconceived notion about
not being real.
And if someone we know personally, see everyday, did this.. we wouldn't know how to act around them.
We would say "good job" but we would also say "why would you do that?" or "was that really necessary?" or "I can't believe you did that" or...
would you like to add to this?
what would you say to someone you know personally if they got up the guts to post like this to let other people know that it's ok to not be "perfect" by whoever else set the standard?
and by the way
i'm not this positive or acceptable with my own body
but i would do it
so other women and men like me
who aren't able to exercise
who have had life and body altering moments (weight, pregnancies, etc)
can be ok with not being ok with themselves.
because that's what it is
and i'm not ok with it
but it's ok.
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