Wednesday, February 12, 2020

what is ghosting?

someone will "ghost me"
I just recently heard this term and wanted to know what it meant.

The practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.

I actually heard this in a youtube video about disabled people and what's average in relationships across the board. It's terrible to have people "ghost" someone because their lives aren't what you need, or because your life is taking a different turn than yours, and you can't give them the common courtesy to say "hey, my life is changing. i'm having to make some hard relationship changes as well, and I might not be in contact with you anymore". Sure, that's a hard conversation to have (i've had it myself recently), but having a hard conversation with someone who you might see again in your future, I think, would be a better way to go than to just disappear and then have to duck and dodge them the rest of your life because you decided to burn that bridge with no explanation.

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