Wednesday, February 19, 2020

disobedience and distance makes us numb

Recent struggle with an atheist. I will respect her and love her always as the person she is, but I cannot join her in this part of her life. Separate ways of living and believing. It’s ok to swear.. it’s ok to be selfish sometimes. I’m not going to care what others think of me, I’m going to just be me, the hell with everyone’s opinions of me.

This is not the values I hold.
This is the values I tried to manipulate my own thinking and beliefs into being.

I'm finding that I can easily be manipulated by people I love.
Because I love them.
I want them to be happy.
Sometimes at the expense of myself and my world views and who I think I am at my core.

I recently ran across an article about toxic people and I had read about codependency in the last few months, and it seems this is what was happening to my in my relationship.

And I didn't want to see it.
So I ignored it.
Or i really honestly didn't see it, period.
I can be naive, but I can also be so hopeful I don't see the danger I can put myself in.
I've done it before.
And in this time it can also make me numb to my own life, and forget my own journey.

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