Thursday, November 8, 2018

my new old house.. blessings in disguise

I love our house. 
We moved in just over 3 years ago. 
It was built in the 1930's.. so their is amazing wood trim, a winding staircase, lots of little nooks and crannies filled with shelves and hanging bars and every square inch is finished off with insulation and cedar paneling and industrial piping. 

I've always adored twisting staircases.. we got one. 
I've always adored alcoves.. we got TWO! One in the living room, one in our bedroom (that is mine, by the way LOL). 
I've always adored slanted ceilings.. we have little pieces of this all over. :) 
I've always loved having a yard.. not too much to take care of, but big enough to be able to go outside and do stuff. We have a full acre. :) 
The woodwork in the house is so simple but it's perfectly stable, strong, and elegant. Not hard to clean, not overwhelming because it's small enough, and not hard to get around because it's big enough. 

The landscaping is pretty bare.. which is actually wonderful. We can really do whatever we want with it! 
There's a forest across the field, there's wildlife that are protected by the fact that we live in a main highway and other homes are sporadically placed so you can't hunt, there are trees all over our property. 
And we can barely hear the traffic on the busy road in front of us because of the old windows and the insulation and the solid build.
We still have windows with weights in the sides! BUT they've also been upgraded to a double pane.. removable storm window option with screen.

The reason I'm writing about this is because, as you know, I have a chronic debilitating illness. A few of them. 
This home that God led us to is perfect.. 
The winding staircase? Flanked on both sides by a wall, and a banister upstairs, and 2 ledges. On my bad days, I can still walk up the stairs with the help of these features. (So glad). 

In our small bathroom, the window is right near the toilet, perfect placement to assist me if I can't stand up with assistance. We have a small vanity with a large medicine cabinet with a triple mirror, and the sink isn't too high. We only have a standup shower, which is actually great because if i was able to lay in a tub or sit, I feel some days like I wouldn't be able to get back up without help (and i like to shower when nobody is home so it's quiet and uninterrupted). 

We have a few neighbors.. just enough neighbors to have some local relationships and not be overwhelmed or feel a sense of obligation. We are all their to help each other, but we don't interfere with each other lives, either. 

We are just outside the city limit, so we have country in the back and city less than 5 minutes down the road. The bus still comes to get our girls because we are still in the school district. 
Almost everything we need on a daily basis is within a 15 minute radius. 

We have been truly blessed. So grateful.

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