Thursday, November 29, 2018

ADD Testing- neurology issues (updated 12-14-18)

I had a psychology appointment today and we did testing for ADD for me to rule it out, which we did.

I have neurological issues, thanks to my connective tissue disorder.
I was recommended to have neuropsych testing done to see if there are answers as to why my thoughts and words don't coincide at times. There is some type of neurological response that's either delayed or cut off.

Makes sense, especially since I have had many problems mentally with working a job, that's why I had to stop working. My brain is misfiring.

And over the last two weeks, i've noticed I have been having more muscle twitches and spasms, even though i'm still taking Magnesium (which has helped with that a lot).

My psychologist says I should bring up neuropsych testing to my neurologist (i have an appt coming up) and see if there's someone he can recommend for me to have this done.

There is something neurological that is progressively getting worse.

Also i've been having more tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and I had a completely different pitch today, it was a very low pitch just in the left ear.
Another thing i've noticed is that when I have migraines or headaches in general, i either have tinnitus or neck pain, and sometimes my inner ears actually start hurting.
I wonder if something called "demyelination" is happening.

demyelinating disease is any disease of the nervous system in which the myelin sheath of neurons is damaged. This damage impairs the conduction of signals in the affected nerves.

Update. I had an appointment with my neurologist and he is saying everything is happening because of my anxiety. That if i just lower my anxiety and exercise, do yoga, etc, that most of my issues will work themselves out. He said everything I am diagnosed with all has to do with my mind. The mind is a very powerful thing, I get it. But don't flipping' gaslight me. I know what i'm talking about. He wouldn't talk about demyelination at all because he's stuck on this "anxiety" thing. He wouldn't listen to me about getting neuropsych testing. He thought it was odd that my psychologist wasn't able to do this. 

Even if it is all connected to something in my mind, there's something wrong with the connection from my brain to my body. And that's what I want to figure out. And he won't listen. 
I may just keep him around for my headaches and find someone else to help with my other neurological problems. (with him being my 3rd neurologist now, i'm getting burned out on this nerve thing, but if it is demyelination, and it's progressively getting worse, and he won't test for it.. then he's screwing me up even more.)

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