Something that I just kinda realized.. I mean i thought of it before, but something I had a lightbulb moment about, is my husband has no reason to doubt me. I have an open honest relationship with him and even though sometimes my thoughts or my words, don't come out right or don't make sense, he believes me. He has believed me every step of the way because he has NO reason to doubt ANYTHING i'm going through.
Because of that, he believes me when i talk about my daughters and things that they need. So he believes that my best judgment for my kids is actually the best thing for my kids, because he has no reason to doubt anything I say or do.
That's huge.
Especially in the chronic illness community.. there are so many couples where one of them just can't handle or deal with or wrap their mind around what's happening with their significant other, and i'm noticing a lot of times, probably half the time, if not more, chronic illness couples will separate because the one that's not dealing with the chronic illness, the one that isn't living with it, just can't imagine it or believe it.
I'm just finding myself very grateful that i'm with someone who believes everything that i'm saying, believes that my oldest daughter also has this condition, believes the fact that whatever I tell him is either truth or something i'm learning or along those lines. That's pretty awesome.
This is also coming from the fact that i've had him come to quite a few doctor appointments with me, so he is able to see the interaction and hear what's being said between the dr's and myself. So I think it's been very helpful (for lack of a better word) for him to see and hear from medical professionals that actually hear me talk about thing that bother me and the tests that are ordered for me and actually seeing me do my tilt table test. Daily using my cane and getting dizzy and things like that.
So he really has no reason not to believe anything i'm going through. And it's fantastic that he's one of those people that just wants to help me whenever he can or whenever he sees that i'm struggling.
Another example of that would be.. we were at Greenfield Village, we went there for the day about a month ago and his mom and step dad came with us for the day.. that was a lot of fun. He brought my wheelchair and I brought my cane and he could tell about midday when i was walking to the bathroom, he could tell just watching the way i was walking, he's like "yup, she's gonna want the wheelchair when she comes back".
And i think it's fantastic that he can see that, he can kind of feel me out, and his mom and step dad are able to see it and believe it, too. And my mom, i've emailed her a few things, i've had a bit of anxiety over that because, i mean, she's my mom.
Everything that I went through growing up didn't seem abnormal because that's just always the way I was. So actually for her to say that those things were actually not normal, that those were abnormalities that she didn't know were abnormalities, and now I guess i'kind of teaching her about the way a body is supposed to work. I am kind of surprised, pleasantly surprised, by a couple emails that she and i have had back and forth, about different things that i'm finding out can help me, or just realizing that when certain things happen, i need to have a quite place, or i need.. something. And she actually has a file with my name on it at home, if something is emailed, she asks me to print it off so she can put it in her file. "I always want to know how i can help you". That was like kind of like one of those deep breaths that like.. ahhh.. finally.. big moment where it's like, "yay, someone else believes me." I think it's so great. I'm very blessed with that.
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