a letter from Paul and Timothy, Jesus disciples, to all the Christians (the "church") in Phillipi
Grace and peace be with you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
- the first thing they say to Christ's followers.. grace and peace with be with you from your heavenly God and His son.
what an awesome blessing.
Talking to all of the Christians as brothers in Christ, saying that they are grateful to have the community, and that there is confidence about fulfilling God's plan before the second coming, because of the partnership of believers. Praying that they may remain pure and blameless and that they should continue to learn and gain knowledge in the ways of faith.
- mind blown. to have that confidence. that we as a group of believers will band together and see God's purpose through to completion before Christ comes again.
Because Paul is in prison, the other Christ followers are becoming more bold and fearless in speaking God's word, because he was imprisoned for speaking the truth of the gospel. That it doesn't matter what the motive is behind it, Christ's truth is being preached, and that is joyful.
(Paul in prison) For me to live is Christ, and to die is gone.
If i'm going to remain fruitful in labor, I will show Christ through fruitful labor. But if I die, I will flory in my Saviors presence. He's struggling with which outcome he wants for himself, because either one is beneficial!
No matter what happens, your actions, with or without me, need to reflect with gospel of Christ!
Be humble, like Christ. He became like a servant, groveling at the feet of humans. Saying "what can I do for you?"
Are you humble enough in your faith to die for it?
In our crooked world, be the ones who shine with the light of God by the work you do.
2:14 + 15
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, child of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you since like stars in the universe.
Press on towards the end goal of heaven. Forget what is behind, and strain towards what is ahead. Do not be confident your earthly bodies, but be reminded constantly that your soul belongs to God.
Hard to hear this
Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.
- So hard to see people we know and love blinded from eternal life by the things we put on our own pedestals, things that we exalt and worship higher than our Savior.
But I am a citizen of heaven, and I humbly and eagerly wait for the day I will be transformed.
Help those people who live life beside you to also follow you into eternity. (coworkers, neighbors, family, etc)
Guard your hearts at all times, and let the peace and love of God constantly flow from your soul and shine for others to see and for them to want it, too.
I have learned to be content whatever the circumstance.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Thank you for sharing in my troubles and helping me when I needed it.
4:19 And my god will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Again in verse 23, Paul leaves them with another blessing grace in their spirit that is of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- may God's peace and grace always be with you.
Amen= so be it.
everything I have just said.. may it be so.
we are in agreement that the words previously spoken will come to pass.