It's "just" two of my kids.
I'm "just" a mom.
I'm "just" a grandma.
There is no JUST in mom! You are a MOM! highlight it, hug it, underline it. Being a mom is HUGE!
You are not "just" you. You are incredible! You are unique! You are important! And you have no idea who is watching you and loving you when you don't have the eyes to see it in yourself.
It's "just" a house.
It's "just" a car.
NO! You have a house! As small and ugly as you may see it, You have a blessing! There is a roof over your head and a door that you can shut to feel safe! You have indoor plumbing. You may even have a STOVE to COOK on. What?! You mean you can heat up food by plugging in something electric and have the power behind it WORK?!
You have a car! It doesn't matter if the floor board are 2 more miles away from falling out, or if the door squeaks, or if you have to hold the bumper on with a bungee. Are you able to get in, turn the key, and have enough gas in it to get from where you are to where you need to go?!
It's "just" a job.
Excuse me, are you employed? Did you get hired somewhere so you can show up, do something, and bring home money?
You have a JOB! :D CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm excited for you. :) I'm proud of you. :)
You are able to support a life financially.
It's "just" life.
You have breathe in your lungs.
You have tastebuds that can tell you if the food you just put in your mouth was delicious or disgusting.
What? You were able to put food in your mouth? and there's a chance that food tasted good?
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