Tuesday, August 6, 2019

a walk

Livy is in her counseling session, I decided to take a walk outside, the smell of Bruce blue spruce trees, dragonflies flying everywhere, cabbages in the field, the birds flew away when I got close to the last tree. Second time back-and-forth It started drizzling, so I just kept going, zig-zagging in and out of the trees. By the time I got back to the back door, it was coming down steady but still light rain.

I am in the basement of the building pacing back-and-forth :-) I will finish my walk :-)

She's got about another 20 minutes in her session. 

I just found an app to work on my blog :-) so now I can write my blog and save a draft on my phone, and then just add photo or video or whatever later on and publish it. :-) #Grateful #ItsTheSmallThings #socialmedia

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