Thursday, August 8, 2019

being disappointed and imperfect in Gods love

“Because there is sin in the world, there is disappointment. You can’t escape being disappointed sometimes, but when that happens you can rely on this; Jesus will never disappoint or let you down. His love for you is unconditional. And when you put your faith in him, you can be sure that he will work out every setback and problems for your good.“

His love for you is unconditional.
His love for you is unconditional.

Why do we feel like we need to do something to earn his love?
Is this crazy foreign mindset to us, I guess, that we can offer ourselves to him in the middle of our mess and he will help renew us. He pulls us up out of our crap, no strings attached, loves honors, no matter what a mess we are, and brings us close to his heart. We don’t have to earn his love, we can’t earn his love. There’s no price tag on it. It’s free.

This reminds me of sometimes when you go in a store and you’re looking to purchase things and you have your budget on your mind, how much money is in your wallet, and you’re trying to be careful because you can only afford to buy certain things. But you pick something up and bring it to the register and they tell you “you can’t buy it, it’s free. You can take it home with you without paying for it.“

It’s like that flabbergasted, question in your mind, how is this possible, do I take it or don’t I take it. Will it add anything to my life? It’s like we question free gifts so much that we don’t allow ourselves to enjoy the fact that it is a free gift. We didn’t earn it, it was given to us because there’s some emotion behind it that says we don’t have to burn it. We don’t have to use our hard earned money or we don’t have to freak out because, oh my gosh, someone’s not asking me to give them something back. It’s a foreign concept. Because everything that we do in life has some sort of give-and-take to it.

What is this thing that we don’t have to give anything for it? What is this thing that is just being handed to me and not expecting anything in return? Yes that does confuse us. We’re not used to that. But it’s such an amazing gift, why wouldn’t we take it home. Even if we don’t know what to do with it right now, we have it in our grass, it’s something that we are allowed to own without giving something in return. All he wants is us to say “I don’t know what this is that you’re giving me, it’s confusing me, I think it’s wonderful, help me learn how to put this gift into action in my life.“ 

His love for you is unconditional. There are no strings attached.

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