I'm sorry.. when did being a good man mean you're the Savior of the world?
Jesus didn't water words down, He offended people, because He spoke truth, no matter what.
Or he kept his mouth shut because they wouldn't believe Him anyway.
They were stuck and opinionated.
The only treasure He promises is what we build up in Heaven by being faithful and doing His work here on earth.
There is a heaven and there is a hell, we aren't all getting through the pearly gates.
Some of us, probably most of us, will burn because of how we have decided to live and how we portray Him to others.
He does not give us what we want.. our health and our finances and our happiness are not what's important to Him. He BLESSES us with those, or the ability to share Him THROUGH those when we submit to Him and follow His path.
He does not overlook sin.. honestly, I think we have become numb living within the world to know what is sin and what isn't. We have created this "edge of the pool" where we think it's okay to just dip our toes in instead of getting drenched. The lifeguard/"God" is sitting there to help us no matter what, right?
There is nothing wishy washy about His commands.
The Ten Commandments are valid all throughout time. They are commands that do not fade and fail, no matter what happens to the pieces of rock themselves, the laws written on them will never change. You can find them in your Bible, or even search online.
We are not to unify ourselves with people who don't believe in Him. We aren't supposed to get into relationships with other people that are intimate and think "Oh I can change them. They'll see how I live and they'll become better." The likeliness of that is slim to none. It's more likely that you are going to be the one to change your values and be okay with living in sin than they are to try and come out of it. Be friends with people, connect as acquaintances, and be a light and a witness in their lives. But please, I beg you, please do not involve yourself in anything intimate with someone who doesn't believe the same way you do. This is being called "unequally yolked" and it's spoken about and warned against in the Bible.
You are not meant to love yourself first and gratify all your needs. Yes, loving who you are is important, but making that your life goal, finding all your value in you and not having to lean on or be connected to the God who created you; this is wrong. He is the one who values you 100% and that will never change. No wonder it's a struggle to find happiness and self love on your own.. you weren't meant to do that alone. God is the only one whose acceptance for you JUST AS YOU ARE will ever mean anything.
We are not meant to be unified with the ways of the world, and we are not meant to tolerate sins of the flesh. We are meant to stand against them and speak truth to the world and be warriors for God. That's why He gave us the fruit of the Spirit and His armor. (That list will be covered in another blog post.)
Please, believers in Christ, do not bend.
Find your backbone in the one who created your backbone.
Don't let your earthly mind overwhelm and conquer the strength He has given you to stand against sin.
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