I think we are so stuck on homosexuality and making a huge deal out of it because sin against the body is sin against God's temple, and even though it's a sin, it's a sin against the whole of who you are. And sexual sin is the worst kind because it's challenging and changing who we believe we are in our inner most parts.
Being a homosexual doesn't make someone a bad person anymore than running a red light because we were distracted. These are both sins.. being destructive and not realizing, in the moments, that we are running head on into bad situations.
In the Bible it does specifically say that being intimate with someone of the same gender is frowned upon and an abomination.. but so is cheating on your wife.. and so is beating up an animal.
Like one of my other posts.. we put sins in categories.
God does not.
And we ALL have sinned, and fallen short of His glory.
THAT'S WHY Jesus came down in human form. So he can take all of that sin as a burden on himself and take it to the grave for us.
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