Monday, June 15, 2020

1 Kings 18 - God is shown in the fire

What we think can happen
what can really happen.
We have such little minds, but God can do anything that we deem impossible.

Elijah, Mt Carmel, the altar to God vs the altar to Baal.
1 Kings 18:16-46

God's fire = power and presence.
throughout Biblical history

the burning bush
the pillar of fire that guided the Hebrews in the desert
the furnace of Shadrac, Meshac, and Abednego

in the NT Matthew 5:14, we became the visible flame. (You are the lights of the world. A town built on a full cannot be hidden.)
the candle under a bushel, a city on a hill.
we should not hide ourselves.
we must be the light, tell the truth, show Who we follow. be bold. like Elijah.

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