by definition? a Chistian is someone who believes in the truth of God sending his son, Jesus, to earth to be born of a virgin, spend 3 years of his adult life talking about the truth, and then being brutally crucified in order to take all of the sins of the world (past, present and future) down to hell, where they belong, and rise back up PHYSICALLY to be with his dad in heaven again.
people saying they are a christian but don't believe in God's rules. 
"thee, thy, thou", ok it can be overwhelming and honestly, very misunderstood.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Honor your father and mother.
These are the only two things we have to follow! Because if we honor other people, we won't kill, commit adultery, steal, lie, be jealous, or put anything else on a pedestal above God.
And if we love other people as we love ourselves.. we may have some work to do on loving ourselves!
ESPECIALLY since we were made in the image of God! Our bodies are where his Spirit lives. Think about that. Are we giving it a great place to live, or are we treating it like garbage?

"thee, thy, thou", ok it can be overwhelming and honestly, very misunderstood.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Honor your father and mother.
These are the only two things we have to follow! Because if we honor other people, we won't kill, commit adultery, steal, lie, be jealous, or put anything else on a pedestal above God.
And if we love other people as we love ourselves.. we may have some work to do on loving ourselves!
ESPECIALLY since we were made in the image of God! Our bodies are where his Spirit lives. Think about that. Are we giving it a great place to live, or are we treating it like garbage?
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