Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I yelled at my mother-in-law :-) cleaning

So this happened a couple months ago now.. but I was able to clean my hard floors today (after 4 days of terrible health) and it reminded me.

It was so funny, it was a day where I was cleaning my heard floors and my mother-in-law came over. I don't remember what for, but she had opened the door to the kitchen and was taking a couple steps, and out of instinct, I put up my hand and said "I just cleaned the floors!". My husband was like.. whoa! And my mother-in-law stopped, took two steps back and said "you know what, I know what that's like. you're right. I will stay right here." I love her. :)

I think that's the first time I remember really "putting my foot down" as an adult to another adult.

Hey! I did good! And it makes for a humorous memory. :)

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