Sunday, January 19, 2020

tithe- old testament versus new testament

This morning, I brought up a thought about tithing when it was approached in church. The way it was talked about sparked something in be, questioning it.

I told my husband that tithe isn't about being generous and joyful, it's about being obedient with what He blessed you with. 

My husband brought up the "God loves a cheerful giver" approach. So we both decided we would do some research on tithe and see what we find.

I found some really good reads and noticed the difference between the Old Testament and the new New Testament. 

So my thoughts about tithe are very old testament and by the book. New Testament, we are still more than welcome to tithe, but it’s the thought of “putting your money where your heart is” than it is being obedient, since the Law of Moses no longer applies to us. Jesus paid for all of that.

So described in the simplest way possible, church giving is about giving from our hearts to the mission of Christ. 

I'm not discounting the importance of us obeying God as our holy Father. But it's interesting to know that the concept of tithe itself is ancient history, and as long as our hearts are in the right place when we steward our finances, the 10% isn't as important as being a cheerful giver. 

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