You seek after whatever you desire.
Whatever you seek you will find.
The light comes to overcome the darkness, the darkness cannot overcome the light.
Be Careful!
You need to take your faith from being a hobby and make it into something holy.
Are you hobbies more important than our faith?
God can't bless what you do if what you're doing is not for God.
culture/experience vs. normal
what culture is in your house?
what are you cultivating?
let's be audacious in our faith.
Christianity is a mosaic.. it is not a narrow relationship, God came for everyone- all the nations/nationalities- there is no prejudice.
both local and global- we do not have a fence to where we are supposed to reach. we are to reach everyone everywhere. next door or next country over.
everybody brings something to the table- we don't all eat bologna sandwiches. some people bring salad, or applesauce, or anchovies. the table of the Lord is large and bountiful, not selfish and stingy.
every believer can have the gifts of heaven- there are multiple heavenly gifts and we all have them! tap into your heavenly gift!
it's better to fail forward than it is to sit still. if you're not moving, you're not gaining. you're wasting.
always think of your audience, you can't reach a Netflix world with a Blockbuster mentality.
always do the best you can with what God gives you. (I have been given a speaking voice that is portrayed best through the written word, and I have been given an audience that is HUGE! I'm going to follow where He is leading me to talk, say what He wants me to say, put my insecurities on the back burner, and watch what happens. Because God is bigger than my still small voice.)
Noah- went into the ark and shut the door. He was ready and he was listening.
Blameshifting- how is your problems my fault? (He has been a pastor for 35 years, if you're not involved in a church, when something happens in your life people aren't going to notice.) You can't get angry at other people for not being there for you if you're not going to be involved on your end.
You can disagree with people without being dishonorable.
God promises His presence with us.
Sometimes we feel lost or doubt His presence.
Deuteronomy 31:8
God promises his providence over us- divine guidance. He will guide us.. but are we willing and listening? He constantly guides us, we have to take the step.
He promises that He will perfect us.
Romans 8:29 to perfect something (like honing a skill) does NOT equal being perfect. It means to work TOWARDS the end goal of perfection.
We want to hold on to our own identity.
But we are to become like Jesus. Colossians 1:28
How has He gone before you and remained with you?
By preparing you with connections you've made in the past. (Like the history I have with my writing classes in college, journaling growing up, my history having a business on Facebook and using Social Media).
How has He worked for good in your life?
Like Joseph- he was sold into slavery- "what you did to me you meant for harm, but God intended it for good."
How is He helping you become more like His son?
What if- he gave us marriage to make us better people? Not to make us happy?
Not everyone is called to marriage. Colossians 1:27, " the hope of glory is Christ in you".
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