When you strip away all the outer things, the job, the clothes, the car, the family, the haircut, the words we say and the masks we wear...
Who are you.. really?
sim pli fy: to make simpler; 1. to reduce to basic essentials; 2. to diminish in scope or complexity; 3. to make more intelligible.
A Pretentious showy life is an empty life, a plain and simple life is a full life- Proverbs 13:7
* You won't say "no" to anything if you have never said "yes" to something.
You have more choices than you think.
When you say "yes" to something, there is a ripple effect of saying "no" to other things.
Saving up for a car? You have to turn down pizza night and some movies and road trips in order to get there.
*What have I said yes/no to?
What's in my box? What is my core "yes"?
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- Downsize your calendar.
Every deadline gives you one more reason to rush.
Choose wisely.
- Take up a slow hobby.
- Turn off technology.
The new phrase "tech free day". Use it! Keep your tv, computer, iPhone and iPad screens off.
- Invest time in people.
Sit down to dinner once a week with your family.
Go out for a walk with someone.
Take your lunch break with a coworker.
Stop by and say hi at someone's house on the way home.
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- Downsize your calendar.
Every deadline gives you one more reason to rush.
Choose wisely.
- Take up a slow hobby.
- Turn off technology.
The new phrase "tech free day". Use it! Keep your tv, computer, iPhone and iPad screens off.
- Invest time in people.
Sit down to dinner once a week with your family.
Go out for a walk with someone.
Take your lunch break with a coworker.
Stop by and say hi at someone's house on the way home.
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