Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A different point of view

I’m going to start with the fact that my husband just lost a cousin. We attended her funeral, her parents were there... my husband decided to stop over at his aunt and uncles house after work yesterday to just chat and he was there for a while and said he could easily have stayed for more hours. :)

On the way home when he called me, he mentioned that after talking to his uncle about health problems and their life and my problems and stuff, he was thinking about how he has a learning disability and I have a lot of physical and mental issues, and jazmine has ADHD like him, and Alivia’s on the autism spectrum and our youngest daughter might have some mental problems.... he feels like he married into the medical jackpot.

Seems like he's right. :P
Who would have thought that what we've found out would be such a reality for a family.

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