Tuesday, July 9, 2019


i have no motivation, yet i want to get things done. but i don't know what. i want to write in my book. i want to do some crafting. i want to play my piano, but i don't because that would make noise. hmm.

what would make me proud at the end of the day?
finish the dishes.
i already did research for MS. I already did what my husband asked online about car insurance, and I already read through our home insurance policy because he wants me to explain it to him.
But i don't feel accomplished. sigh.
i think i'll drink my coffee and heat and massage my neck, i jacked it up last night.
then maybe i'll know what to do. and hoping to not fall asleep.

hi. how are you?

(i feel stuck between anxiety and depression.. i feel nothing. i'm trying to let myself realize that that's ok.. there's nothing to provoke an emotion right now.)

ouch! ok yeah i gotta take care of this neck pain. be back later.

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