Monday, April 12, 2021

Faith and Certainty

faith requires us to allow for space outside of ourselves.
for things that we don't know. 
for things that are.. uncertain. 

you can be certain that you have faith.. 
but I don't honestly think that faith and certainty go hand in hand.

certainly relies on us knowing what we know, and knowing that there's no shadow of a doubt.. all the facts, truths, everything. 
but you can't be certain about something in that thought parameter and still leave room to have faith in it. 

because faith requires.. (yeah, there's literally no other word that I can think of for this).. it's a requirement of faith to allow for acceptance of things we don't know. 
things that we can't comprehend. 
because we are unable to be all-knowing.

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the assurance that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see exists."
Faith and Certainty are separate.

we aren't meant to be all knowing. 
we are meant to be curious and open minded and always looking for and reaching towards the immense expanse of information that God put out from his being. 

but faith in the fact that God is real and there's so much we don't know
and the certainty of knowing specifics

I just don't see it going hand in hand. 

Converse please!

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