Monday, January 28, 2019

why social media?

why do i like facebook?
why do i like instagram?

why do i think these platforms can be important?

because of who i am.
i'm a mother.. i need other women.
i have health issues that normal people wouldn't understand.. i need support groups.
i am in relationships with people, friends, acquaintances who don't all live close enough to be able to physically be part of my life.

I need these connections to keep me motivated and to remind me that i'm not alone in my struggles.
It's almost like a lifeline for me.

i have things that i feel are on my heart to say and just writing them on a blog isn't always very effective. some things that need to be heard.. need to spread around.

i can't always bring myself to talk out loud to people. i'm not very verbal. so even if i do want to say something to someone, my best bet is either to send them a message on FB or a text or even an email.

i'm not good with talking on the phone or in person.

i need to connect constantly.
it helps me anxiety.
it helps my depression.

social media is NOT a bad thing.
it BECOMES a bad thing when you're MINDLESSLY wasting your time on it.

just like anything else in your home or your work or your vehicle, it's a tool.
find out what what works for you!

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