So for my whole life, i've always been a helper.
I've always loved helping other people.
To get right to the point, i'm struggling right now because the last few years of my life i've had to lean on other people to help me.. totally opposite side of what i'm used to.
And now that i'm not working at the Centre, and i'm not VIP at the desk, i'm feeling very out of place. I've been considering the notion that it's time for me to step down from being there.
Like only be a customer and not have any weight on me at all with the responsibility of the facility.
But me being a helper, i struggle with this, especially since I do have a need to be confident in myself, and with my body and my mind not working the way they should, it's getting harder and harder for me to accept that and still be confident in my own decisions and feel like I still bring something to the table.
Recently I've been becoming more of an advocate for my daughters' health because I, as a parent, a mother, a zebra, need to be that for them.
I've had my oldest be evaluated by a psychologist.. she is officially ADHD and GAD and recommended to see a counselor (also recommended she get a blood workup and an EKG to be safe). She's also gone to a rheumatologist because her body acts a lot like mine, and she has been diagnosed with JHS and finally getting PT and a Urology appt.
I kicked around the idea of it being my anxiety and my mental health that were trying to keep me from my VIP position at the Centre, making me a recluse.
But my lightbulb moment today had to do with the fact that I'm a helper by nature.
And that I've been taking my role as a mother as part of my household that takes control my family's health and well-being.
This is my help calling.
Right now.. my help calling has to do with my family.
And that being said.. I believe that I will be stepping away from the Centre to take control of my own health and to lead my family into a healthier future.. mind, body and soul.
A new chapter in my life is beginning.
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