Saturday, May 28, 2022

understanding each other

I’m learning from my personal life experiences that unless you truly listen to and learn about and accept who other people really are, it doesn’t matter what you think of them. It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through with them. It matters if you actually listen and validate and let them know that you’re hearing them. And then what you’re hearing is what is true about them, whether you want it to be or not.

And we aren't going to understand everything.
That's the clincher. That's the hard part AND the joy of it. There's always room to learn and grow. 
The problem is when we think we know it all, and then something comes up saying, oh you didn't know this.. uhoh, how did I miss that? It must not be a real thing because I didn't know that and it doesn't fit with the rest of the picture I have in my head. 

Don't dismiss it. Read it again, allow yourself to hear it, LET there be room for friction and confusion. How else can we truly be open to other people?

Ohh... there was a perfect image on Pinterest for this... I'm going to go find it. 

When everything is going on around you and there's nothing you can do about it.. okay. 

If there are no words or actions that can improve or change or make a difference.. okay. 

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