Jesus was fully man, which meant he had a human male body.
This meant he was faced with the same physical issues like dietary needs and hydration and sleeping, and also he was faced with things like sin and temptation.
But because He was fully man, this meant that there was so sin in him, there was no bad, no lies or any size or color (little white ring a bell?), no thoughts of stealing, no lust.. you get my drift?
This is why he was ridiculed! He was a "goody two-shoes"! He followed all the rules of his Heavenly Father, not the laws of the land, except for the fact that he respected those in authority and listened to those who were teachers and the wise. BUT he also responded with the truth and love that goes along with being God.. was honest, wasn't about what people thought about him but only what God the Father had entrusted him with during his physical human years.
What a mind blow.
There was no fault in him.
He always obeyed his parents, I'm sure, because unless it went against the will of his Heavenly Father, like when he stayed in the temple to talk to the elders during their trip to Jerusalem, He was exactly correct and realistic at all times.
He felt physical and emotional pain "Jesus wept" when his friends brother died, EVEN THOUGH he knew he was going to raise him from the dead.
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