Monday, May 30, 2022

Jesus was fully God AND fully man

Jesus was fully man, which meant he had a human male body.
This meant he was faced with the same physical issues like dietary needs and hydration and sleeping, and also he was faced with things like sin and temptation.
But because He was fully man, this meant that there was so sin in him, there was no bad, no lies or any size or color (little white ring a bell?), no thoughts of stealing, no lust..  you get my drift? 

This is why he was ridiculed! He was a "goody two-shoes"! He followed all the rules of his Heavenly Father, not the laws of the land, except for the fact that he respected those in authority and listened to those who were teachers and the wise. BUT he also responded with the truth and love that goes along with being God.. was honest, wasn't about what people thought about him but only what God the Father had entrusted him with during his physical human years. 

What a mind blow.
There was no fault in him.
He always obeyed his parents, I'm sure, because unless it went against the will of his Heavenly Father, like when he stayed in the temple to talk to the elders during their trip to Jerusalem, He was exactly correct and realistic at all times.

He felt physical and emotional pain "Jesus wept" when his friends brother died, EVEN THOUGH he knew he was going to raise him from the dead. 


using echolalia as a means of communication

Trying to use Memes or quotes or other peoples things that they put together on Pinterest to help me say what I wanna say because it’s five times harder for me to think of the words myself and more exhausting and emotionally taxing.

This is a huge autism trait of mine. 
I quote movies, I can think of song lyrics as explanations, I use Bible verses, memes, inspirational things. It's hard for me to come up with my own words out loud.

did I just jinx myself?

when I was peeling egg shells off my boiled eggs, my husband was in the kitchen and I said out loud "wow! that shell came off so well!" and in past experience, a lot of times when I say things like that and the next one comes off crappy, there's something inside me that says "darn, must've jinxed it". 

So weird for a Bible believer to say or think that.. right? 
Or is that just something that is strange to me and nobody else?

I find it odd that we do things, like "knock on wood" and saying "good luck".. we don't even think about it. 
But are these things wrong to say? 
Do they come from a sinful place? 
What are the origins of these words and do they matter today? 

Definitely something I'm going to search up, because for me, once I'm curious about something, I generally have to do something about it until my curiosity is satiated. lol. Autism trait ;) it's something I love about myself and hate about myself at the same time. HA! 

pinch poke, you owe me a coke.. jinx!!
adding on.. just found out, apparently knocking on wood can undo a jinx. 

and jinxing someone is giving them bad luck. 
so.. witchcraft? 

"good luck" is about tempting fate.. 
so if you believe in fate, you need luck to overcome the bad outcome to get a good outcome. 
and cross your fingers, hoping it works.
The word "luck" itself is Middle Dutch in origin, according to Mental Floss. The word comes from 'luc,' a shortening of 'gheluc,' meaning “happiness, good fortune.” The word was probably introduced into the English language in the 15th century as a gambling term.

and you throw salt over your shoulder to keep evil spirits from entering the place you're in. 

Saturday, May 28, 2022

when I say “it’s because I’m autistic“ what I mean is..

 I'm trying to say something but it's not coming out right, or my brain is working to come up with a certain word and it's not forming and I'm frustrated. I feel the need to explain myself.. even if the need isn't for you, it's for me, I might tell you "I'm having a hard time because I'm autistic". 

I may look like I'm doing something that looks weird to you and I can tell it might not be a normal or socially acceptable thing.. and I didn't realize this before I did it, I just did it because to me, it's normal. "It's because I'm autistic." 

I might be stimming in public and you don't know why I'm making a certain movement or being giggly like a child, or getting excited over something you dub ridiculous or superficial. "It's because I'm autistic."

I say it because I feel like you need an explanation, or I need to explain because I probably look odd and you look quizzical. 

Autism is not an excuse. It's an explanation. :) It's a reason. It's a lifestyle that doesn't look like yours. It's different and, believe it or not, it's complementary to the rest of the world, because it keeps up a little bit younger and more expressive and holds so many different views from the norm. 

Understand us instead of ignoring or walking away from us. Accept us instead of calling us weirdos. We don't need rejection, we need you to be open to other possibilities. 

Don't be embarrassed by us, be proud of us. 



I am not defiant, fearful, inflexible, oppositional, stubborn or attention seeking.
See the chart above to understand what that means.. in other words. :) 

I do not wish to be healed.

Do not twist my words into thinking that means I do not wish to live.
I love living. :) 
But God has created my DNA to be a bit different,
I am created to live a life that is dubbed disabled mentally and physically by human standards.
I cannot and do not function physically like a regular human body. I fall apart like a rice cake.
I cannot and do not function mentally like a regular human mind. I see things more purely and instinctively and sensitively.

I do not wish to be healed because there's nothing to heal.
Our physical bodies were meant to be living vessels for our souls.
They were not meant to function "perfectly" in the way we see perfection.
I am not a mentally malfunctioning corpse in clothing.
I am a fully functioning daughter of God.
He created me to be a little different because.. just because. 
He has plans for me just like He has plans for you.
He has a perfect plan for each one of us.
And we have choices.
And I choose to see myself as He does.

I do not need to be healed.
I need to be seen and heard as I am... a whole beautiful work of art.


And WHERE do you think you're going?

Death means one of two things. 

It means that your physical body is no longer capable of functioning as a live vessel, so it stops working, therefore it's put in the ground forever. 
"ashes to ashes, dust to dust"

It also means that your soul, your spirit, the essence of who you are, is going to an eternal place.
That's the difference between humanity and everything else living because we were not created to just cease to exist. 
We were created to be in eternal bliss.
Unfortunately, there's also a place of eternal damnation, so be careful what you intentionally choose when you think about morals and truth.


understanding each other

I’m learning from my personal life experiences that unless you truly listen to and learn about and accept who other people really are, it doesn’t matter what you think of them. It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through with them. It matters if you actually listen and validate and let them know that you’re hearing them. And then what you’re hearing is what is true about them, whether you want it to be or not.

And we aren't going to understand everything.
That's the clincher. That's the hard part AND the joy of it. There's always room to learn and grow. 
The problem is when we think we know it all, and then something comes up saying, oh you didn't know this.. uhoh, how did I miss that? It must not be a real thing because I didn't know that and it doesn't fit with the rest of the picture I have in my head. 

Don't dismiss it. Read it again, allow yourself to hear it, LET there be room for friction and confusion. How else can we truly be open to other people?

Ohh... there was a perfect image on Pinterest for this... I'm going to go find it. 

When everything is going on around you and there's nothing you can do about it.. okay. 

If there are no words or actions that can improve or change or make a difference.. okay. 

what some would call “awareness “


Awareness means sharing information about a topic that you think needs to be said, heard, or acknowledged publicly. 

Awareness means saying "I think you should know" or "this is what my life is like because of ____ ". 

It ISN'T saying "I'm going to live in this bubble and self-destruct because I believe I can't change, and these things are happening to me and I'm just going to sit here and accept all of it as my reality, nobody can change my mind." No, that's self-destruction, not acceptance. That's asking for pity parties. 

Awareness is about knowing something and feeling the importance of other people knowing it, too.

It's not a personal vendetta, it's not a cry for help, it's not "I think this and it's the only right way to think and you should, too". 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Blessed are..

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭1:1-6‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Using scripture like a Bop-It

Twist it
Turn it
Pull it
Bop it

This is what people are doing when they make it mean what they want it to mean, take it out of context, read it like it applies to their life more than it applied to the timeframe it was written in. 

David and Goliath is not about how brave you can be and slay your giants. It's about David's obedience to God to slay the Phillistine, and his journey. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

The saga of the toilet paper tail

 So, there's only one male in this house.. 

And for reason, there's a problem when it comes to using TP. 
He needs to have a tail. 

Is this a man thing? 

Because us ladies don't need a tail or leave a tail. 
And he gets so frustrated by it. 

I'm sorry, I had to write about this. It cracks me up.

Genesis 11, when language changed

My daughter asked me where all the languages came from, and that made me think of Genesis, the story of the tower of Babel when God saw the evil the people were doing and created confusion by changing their languages to many. 
(this is after God created the flood and made a promise to never do it again; hence, the rainbow)
Here's the history of it! 
I love how when God does something, it's always quick. To the point. Done. There's no beating around the bush.


The Tower of Babel
1Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
3They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
5But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
8So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

It doesn't matter where he put each group, the fact is that they tried to do something they shouldn't so he changed it, and found them places to live.

The narrow road? What does this mean?

There is so much of this lately, with progressive beliefs, etc. 

The narrow road means "Bible believers and followers of Christ", because there are so many interpretations of it, and so much "I think it means this". 

Truly following Christ daily and hourly and honoring Him with our lives is impossible. BUT the possibility of being Heaven bound was made available through Jesus giving up His life horrificly on the cross at Calvary/Galgotha. 

If we trust and believe in that truth, and follow the Bibles teachings, we are in the small percentage of people who are on the straight and narrow. 

Can a Christian drink alcohol?

God warns against being drunk and letting it lead us into situations we shouldn't be in, but He never says not to drink it. 
If He did, then Jesus wouldn't have made it for a wedding celebration.

You can find information on this, and more, at 

23 Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
7 Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do.
18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,
1 Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.
14 He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate— bringing forth food from the earth: 15 wine that gladdens human hearts, oil to make their faces shine, and bread that sustains their hearts.
23 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. 24 No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

You can run, but you can't hide

You know God sees everything, right? 

He knows where you are at all times,
He knows what you're doing and why you're doing them,
And yet, no matter what it is you're doing,
He loves you and wants to sit with you and talk
And call you His son or daughter.


More thoughts on "certainty"

Being sure
Being wise

Not being certain about earthly things
But knowing that what is in the Bible is real.

The only thing we can be certain of is that we are in sin and we can't be perfect. We can only be certain of our faults and that Jesus is the only way. 

We can be certain that truth is only found through scripture. 

My autistic blessings...

A lot of people think of autism as an excuse or as a drag or as something negative.
The problem with that is there is SO MUCH good about it! 
So I'm going to tell you how it adds to my life, how it makes me a better person, and that yes, I recognize it as a disability, but at the same time, it's given me awesome abilities. 
For me, Autism is like a super power that the world will never really recognise. 

I connect to animals and plants more than I do to people, but that gives me an amazingly different view of the world we live in, a different dimension to how life is seen. 

The way I write isn't always in grammatically correct form, it's sometimes just the way my mind flows, and I find that that is so much more appealing to readers BECAUSE it's the way they hear it, too. It isn't stuffed into a box of rules, it's just how we think and feel. 

I've always been one of the nerd kids that never fit in anywhere, but that makes me happy, because I don't NEED to fit in. I am unique and different and that's a GOOD thing. Human acceptance is a farce anyway.

I organize things in ways that aren't normal. But they are seen as "I wish I would have thought of that", or "that's an interesting way of doing things!". My brain doesn't work like other people's, and I've become okay with that. I used to find it embarassing and childish, but the more I accept the ways I do things as OK, then it doesn't matter what the general view of it is. I have my ways of doing things, and they work for me, and they are sometimes unintentionally inspirational. 

My main stim is touching my skin, mainly touching around my neck and face. This has inspired me to find ways to take better care of my skin. Because if i'm going to be touching it, then I should always have something in my line of vision to add value to that movement. I have lotions and oils around the house, i have weights in view to help my need for touch (helps my strength, too!), my bookshelf is stocked with multiple choices, my friut bowl is always being filled with easy foods, and i have a new habit set up to do the skin care that works for me. So i'm able to take control of my health BECAUSE of my stims. 

If something doesn't feel right to me, I try to find the answer as soon as possible, so i'm advocating for myself mentally TO myself in order to not procrastinate. Why would I sit here in clothing that doesn't feel right when I have the opportunity to change it? Why would I leave something where it is when it's easy to put it away, especially when I am the one who created the organization system? Why would I not use the yoga mat before puting it away when I am the one who put it out to use? Why would I not go outside and take care of my garden when I know I love it, it needs it, and it's a beautiful day?
I can give myself excuses, but there are too many "why not's" that I think of myself. It's not someone else's idea for me to do something, it's my own.

I might try something even if/though I know there's a possibility of failure, but I know frmo past experience and from a quote I found online that you won't know unless you try, and failure just means you have to find another way, or raelize that you did it. You did something you were afraid of or worried about. So I am capable of pushing the envelope on the little things that are "in my way". 

I was a business owner. I had my own sewing business for 9 years. I sold things that I created, and people loved them. People like unique things, and that's what I do, that's who I am. So why not cash in on it? Especially since I can do all of it from my own home, completely behind the scenes?

I am great with people. I'm easy to talk to, I give great hugs, I am good at listening when people need an ear, and I am honest and real. That's a good thing.

I'm good at researching things. 

I am multi-talented, a jack of all trades. Singer, writer, gardener, editor, nail artist, customer service, organizer, athlete, advocate, student...

... Just to name a few... 

An autism diagnosis is not a death sentence.
It's knowing better about the life you live.
It's knowing yourself, and realizing how much others miss out on by not seeing the world... differently.