Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Spiritual warfare is..

 From my notes during the conference Equipping Godly Women - Armed and Dangerous


Spiritual warfare is how the Bible describes His kingdom vs. the kingdom of the enemy. 
Good vs Evil

We fear spiritual warfare because of lack of knowledge. Fear is actually a trick of the spiritual world. You don’t push fear or question fear. 

Truth - Satan’s name means accuser.
He is the father of lies, there is no truth in him, he’s a liar. 
1. He is not to be feared, he is to be subdued. He has already been defeated. You can put him under your foot. Satan is a created being. Satan has limits, he can only be in once place at a time. Satan wants me to be constantly busy, he doesn’t want me to rest. He is subtle.
2. God never loses a fight. He has already won. He is constantly with us and in us. 

Because you are God’s child you are a threat to Satan, you can’t get out of this. 
“I don’t want to mess with the devil so he won’t mess with me.” That’s not a choice. 
The more he messes with you, and the more you try to ignore it instead of push against it, the more he backs you into a corner and screws with your mind. 

God commands us to take control and manage our thoughts. Our thoughts are important because they shape our realities. 
Thoughts -> emotions -> beliefs -> decisions -> actions -> results. 

Inside us is a sin nature. We have to push against what our nature wants us to do in order to be purified in Christ. It has to be ongoing, we can’t do it once and be done. Satan won’t stop attacking, so we need to suit up (put on God’s armor) and fight the battle daily. 
We are blessed with peace and hope when we manage our minds. 
We can enjoy God’s peace when we focus our thoughts on Him. We can steal our peace back from the devil when he tries to take it from us. 

Remembering what God has done for us before gives us hope for what we are in right now. We may be in the middle of a fight... BUT... he has always been beside us to help us win. 
What we focus on grows. 

Bible study is not an obligation, it’s a privilege. We get the opportunity to dive into what God has spoken, learn what he said to those people in those times in history, take those lessons and be able to apply it to our now. 

Prayer will not always feel good. Being a disciple of God literally takes discipline. 
But when something is worth knowing and learning and applying, we make the time and we prioritize it accordingly. And when we apply it, God’s word will cause conviction, so we are able to listen to the Spirit inside of us, and know what we need to work on and change. 
Prayer is a conversation.. God is real, Jesus is human, he’s not an unattainable entity, you’re speaking to a friend. This relationship is not dependent on us. God was in relationship with us before we knew about Him, like a child having a parent and not knowing the parent until they grow up. They are your parent, whether you know it or not. He created you and is your Heavenly Father, whether or not you accept it and talk to him and read what He says. 

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