Thursday, January 7, 2021

conversation - ugly entitlement


Writing back and forth to a friend of mine, a conversation that can be had and should be had and thought of by all:

Being honest, your flawless beauty is intimidating today. I felt the need to put on coverup because of my breakout. I feel fine now. I’m blaming you for being beautiful. 
We tend to see our own humanness in a bad way. It’s not even flaws, it’s just being human. 

Just another reason for us to feel like we’re not enough, right? As if somebody outside of ourselves has a right to create our own expectations. Probably another reason I loved the rugged beauty of nature. Nobody tells everyone is ugly, how would they, how dare they. 

Nobody tells nature that it’s ugly. And we are nature. 

Because humanity has a voice and we process differently than everything else in nature, we feel like we can say whatever we want and a have an entitlement to be heard. And if people don’t act in what we consider a positive change according to our own voice, we see that as negativity and ignorance. 

Entitlement and privilege are a major human problem. 

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